About CMRR

The Centre for Multi-hazard Risk and Resilience (CMRR) is an interdisciplinary research hub at 深夜福利站 dedicated to addressing the challenges posed by natural hazards and disasters. By leveraging 深夜福利站's strengths in areas such as flooding, wind, earthquake, and tsunami hazards, the CMRR aims to advance research in multi-hazard risk assessment and resilience building. Through collaboration with industry, government, and academia, the CMRR develops innovative solutions to mitigate the impact of extreme events, particularly in a changing climate, and seeks to become a leading center for disaster risk reduction.

Goals of CMRR:

  • Create a recognized hub for multi-hazard risk and resilience assessment.
  • Generate impactful research in disaster hazard, risk, and resilience.
  • Organize annual workshops to build networks.
  • Strengthen collaboration with industry, government, and academia.
  • Promote interdisciplinary research and education.
  • Support graduate students in collaborative specialization.


Program Contacts

Katsuichiro Goda & Reza Najafi

Co-Directors, Centre for Multi-hazard Risk and Resilience (CMRR) 

Contact info: